A one-stop-solution to access curated documentation from multiple standard setting organisations in a structured form

5 wireless communication standard setting organisations, ~1.6M documents

Why Research Highway?

Data of unprecedented quality

Highly cleaned data

Converted from unstructured to structured form

Value added fields

Features to enable efficient review

Family based grouping of results

Multiple viewing options

Customisable highlighting

Structured search capabilities

Structured search fields and drop-down filters

Flexible use of Boolean operators

Search query combinations

Multiple researcher-centric functionalities

Search logs and histories

Project folders

Exporting bibliographic data

IP professionals use Research Highway for

Prior art - prosecution, litigation, opposition, inter partes review, acquisition, licensing

Essentiality analysis - verifying essentiality of patents to standards

Identifying technology & competitor trends in standardisation activity

R&D professionals use Research Highway for

Identifying activity trends for a standard/ working group/ technology

Measuring one’s own or competitor’s presence in a standard/ working group/ technology

Identifying key standardised technologies for adoption and partners

Reviewing previously proposed solutions to the same/ similar technical problem

Planning for working group meetings